2023 S/V Lynx
Construction Videos

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Phase Three Goals and 2023 Review

Kit-E66: Phase Three goals & 2023 Reviewdw

This week we go over how we did on Phase 2, and our Phase 3 plans for 2024, plus a video review of what we accomplished in 2023. So come see what the crew of S/V Lynx is planning for next year! 

Our New Plan

Kit-E65: Our New Plan

While we get the tunnel tent down, we had to come up with a new plan. So, that's what we did this week instead of building our catamaran, but at least we have a plan now!  Time to get back to work on the boat! 

A Serious Setback

Kit-E64: A Serious Setback

This week we build our Tunnel Tent... but also have a major setback for the entire building of S/V Lynx. But, the project will continue, and we will get our 50' performance/cruising catamaran built, despite the setback.

Barrier Coat at Last!

Kit-E63: Barrier Coat at Last!

This week we finally finish fairing and sanding one of the canoes and get to painting on the barrier coat on our DIY catamaran sailboat.  This was a major milestone completed as we get ready to assemble the boat.

Family Rescue

Kit-E62: Family to the Rescue

We make some decisions on how to protect the boat and crew while we build S/V Lynx, while I supervise while my hand heals from surgery. Then, we end the week with a family get together for Thanksgiving. 

Fairing and Viewer Questions

Kit-E61: Fairing and Viewer Questions

The clock is ticking, and we need both canoes finished for the hulls so that we can start assembling this catamaran! So we got to applying fairing compound and lots of sanding. And we took time to answer Viewer questions

First Bulkhead Installation

Kit-E60: First Bulkhead Installation

We're well on our way to finishing the fairing of the second canoe, and we also worked on the sterns of both canoes, adding the first bulkhead (though the smallest, by far).  Bulkhead #11, with ten more to go!

Its Not Fair

Kit-E59: It's Not Fair

We are fairing the two hulls and working on putting in the first bulkhead at the stern, but instead of all sanding, basalt, and epoxy... we will show you our plans for part of our route around the planet.

Basalt Hull Armor

Kit-E58: Basalt Hull Armor

We spent the week preparing for the big day.  Then it was time to apply the basalt layers to the starboard canoe, so we got our large team of S/V Lynx crew members to show up at 6am and we got to work applying our hull armor! 

The Sweet Spot

Kit-E57: The Sweet Spot

We show you build progress and take a look at performance vs comfort in the design choices we made while collaborating with Schionning on our Solitaire 1520 and how we aimed for the Sweet Spot between the two.. 

Sanding the Starboard Canoe

Kit-E56: Sanding the Starboard Canoe

With our strip planking done, we moved on to sanding off all the squeeze out epoxy this week, turning the canoe, and ourselves, white! Just another step in the process of building out 50' performance/cruising catamaran.

Strip Planking Completed

Kit-E55: Strip Planking Completed

This week, we finally finished strip planking the two canoes on S/V Lynx! We also take time to answer questions about our 50' Schionning Designs, performance/cruising catamaran. So come join us for some fun! 

Hybrid Combo System Arrives

Kit-E54: Hybrid Combo System Arrives

We get an unexpected delivery... our hybrid system from Combi ePropulsion Systems! We also get more work done on strip planking the starboard canoe, and do some repair work on our prototype Lithium batteries.. 

Why Build our Boat?

Kit-E53: Why Build our Boat?

People keep asking why we choose to build out catamaran, so we thought we would give them a better answer!  We also start strip planking the starboard hull to get our Solitaire 1520, Performance Cruising Catamaran ready for our circumnavigation voyage.

Lifting the Port Canoe

Kit-E52: Lifting the Port Canoe

It's nervous time at the lot! This week we lift the port canoe off the forms with our friend's Bobcat and move it over to it's new home on the port side of the sailboat. We also get some work done on preparing to strip plank the starboard canoe.  

Best Antifoul for our Cat

Kit-E51: Beat Antifoul for our Cat

With final fairing and sanding the port canoe about done, we start strip planking the starboard canoe.   Unfortunately, we run into some electrical problems.  However, we spend sometime discussing which antifouling we will use on our boat.  

Fairing, Sanding, & Answers

Kit-E50: Fairing, Sanding, and Answers

It’s time to do more sanding and fairing! Darn it. 😊 But we are also going to answer some viewer questions from over the last month, and show a couple of products that were sent to us for review that we will use to build the boat or be beneficial on the our circumnavigation.

Phase 2 Plans and More Hull Fairing

Kit-E49: Phase 2 Plans & More Hull Fairing

This week we go over our plan for Phase 2 of building our Schionning Solitaire 1520, performance/cruising catamaran. And, we get more work done on fairing the port canoe as we get ready to finish up and start strip planking the starboard canoe. 

Hull Fairing and Schedule Update

Kit-E48: Hull Fairing and Schedule Update

We are hard at work fairing the port hull of our boat, but we take some time to go over our Phase One plan, what we accomplished, what we didn't, and what extra stuff we did instead, then we tell you if we think we are behind, ahead, or right on schedule. 

Basalt Hull Axe Test

Kit-E47: Basalt Hull Axe Test

This week, we start fairing the port canoe of our future sailboat and also put the basalt we put over that hull to the test against the fiberglass option, hitting it with an axe and driving a car over it to see how it does against the original fiberglass option for the 1520.

A Basalt Stone Hull

Kit-E46: A Basalt Stone Hull

It was a great week where we finished the forebeam completely, and finally used our Sicomin laminating epoxy to put the basalt fiber onto the port canoe! So join us for this video as our large crew shows up for the big basalt day!

The Hardest Part of the Build

Kit-E45: The Hardest Part of the Build

This week on building S/V Lynx, we continue work on the most difficult part of the entire build, hoping to get close to finished. However, we also take a break from constructing out 50' Performance/Cruising catamaran to go scuba diving.

Bulkhead Conundrum

Kit-E44: Bulkhead Conundrum

We had some issues with fitting the bulkhead into the forebeam this week, but finally came up with a solution, which we will show you in this week's DIY Catamaran Construction video. And we took some time to go Mountain Biking!

The Best Helm Position and Build Progress

Kit-E43: Forebeam Fabrication Fun

Our Kit is finally complete! With the arrival of our Sicomin laminating epoxy, we now have everything to finish the shell of the boat. So, we continue work on our forebeam, hoping to get it completely done in the next two weeks.

The Best Helm Position and Build Progress

Kit-E42: The Best Helm Position & Build Prog.

We explore the best helm position on a catamaran and build a spreadsheet that will help you discover your best option. Meanwhile, we are hard at work on our 50' Performance Cruising Catamaran.

Preparing for the Next Phase

Kit-E41: Preparing for the Next Phase

With our laminating epoxy finally nearing our port, we need to get final preparations done to start laminating. So, this week we worked on the bulkheads, forebeam, and port canoe, all of which will need lamination. 

Kickup Rudders, Bow & Bulkheads

Kit-E40: Carbon, Big Bertha, & June Update

We finally lay down the carbon fiber layers on our forebeam, and then start work on some bulkheads, including the largest one, which we dubbed 'Big Bertha'. We review our progress in June and what we expect to get to in July. 

Kickup Rudders, Bow & Bulkheads

Kit-E39: Kickup Rudders, Bow & Bulkheads

This week, we show you progress on finishing the bow of the port canoe, inserting epoxy rope along the edges of bulkheads. And we go over our Kickup rudder system, as well as talk about other rudder options for catamarans. 

Our Sail Plan and Build Progress

Kit-E38: Our Sail Plan and Build Progress

We continue building S/V Lynx, our 50' Performance/Cruising Catamaran, but we also spend some time going over the sails we purchased for our future sailboat and why we choose those sails over other options.

Bulkhead Prep and Forebeam Epoxy

Kit-E37: Bulkhead Prep and Forebeam Epoxy

We solved our main wood and joint 'snapping' issues on the forebeam, sanded the port canoe, did some prep work on patching small errors, and built a large table for our bulkhead work and started on routing the first bulkhead. 

Forebeam Progress and Sanding

Kit-E36: Forebeam Progress and Sanding

We made good progress this week on the sanding of the inboard side of the port hull and finally found a solution to get our wood strip planking done on the forebeam.  Our Performance catamaran is coming along! 

We Finish Epoxy Strip Planking the Port Hull

Kit-E35: Catamaran Back to Boat Building

Our goal this week was to finish epoxying all the strips on to the port hull.  We also started sanding the inboard side.  And we got some other work done on the forebeam of our 50' performance/cruising catamaran, S/V Lynx!   

Back to Boat Building

Kit-E34: Catamaran Back to Boat Building

With our shade troubles behind us, we get back to work building our Schionning kit catamaran, S/V Lynx. We continue epoxy work on the port hull, on the outboard side of our future 50' performance catamaran. 

Build Site Disaster

Kit-E33: Catamaran Build Site Disaster

We continued building out 50' performance catamaran, but had a major build site disaster! However, disaster or not, it won't stop us making our sailboat and taking that boat on a sailing adventure around the planet! 

Forebeam Frame and Port Canoe Epoxy

Kit-E32: Forebeam Frame & Canoe Epoxy

We are building our dream catamaran, and this week we continue epoxying the strips onto the inboard side of the port canoe. We also build the strongback and assemble the MDF frame for the forebeam of our 50' performance cat.  

Catamaran Boat Build Begins!

Kit-E31: Strip Planking Port Hull Starts

This week, we finish dry fitting the strips onto the port canoe, then remove half so that we can epoxy them back onto the port canoe! Our Schionning Solitaire 1520 kit sailboat is starting to take shape! 

Catamaran Boat Build Begins!

Kit-E30: Catamaran Boat Build Begins

It's finally time to start building out 50' performance/cruising catamaran! At last, after all the planning, designing, and purchasing of our Schionning Solitaire 1520 kit, we are ready to start building our sailboat! 

How Much and How Long to Build our Cat?

Kit E29 How Much &How Long to build our Cat

This week we finally started to build our Kit Catamaran from Schionning Designs! However, we wanted to give everyone a chance to chime in on how long they think it will take us to build S/V Lynx, and how much it will cost in the end to build a performance sailing and cruising catamaran to circumnavigate the planet. 

Preparing to Build our Kit Catamaran

Kit E28 Preparing to Build Our 50' Catamaran

Having received our kit catamaran, we want to get started on the build. So, this week we made an insane schedule to get the final preparations out of the way. Watch as we show you how we did on that list to get to building out Schionning Designs Solitaire 1520 Performance Catamaran. 

Organizing our Kit and Postmortem

Kit-E27: Organizing our Kit and Postmortem

Now that our kit for S/V Lynx has arrived to build our 50' performance catamaran, we had to get all of the parts organized. We also realized that we could have done better in the unloading, so we did a postmortem look at receiving our boat parts from Schionning Designs. 

Unloading our 50' Catamaran Kit

Kit-E26: Unloading our Catamaran Kit

Our kit is here! Yes, our Solitaire 50' Performance Catamaran Kit has finally arrived and this week, we unload it from the shipping container onto our build site. This is our first look at our new kit, and there were some surprises! But, we have our kit now, so construction can soon begin! 

Build Site Prep - Part 2

Kit-E25: Build Site Prep Part 2

We are hard at work getting the Build Site prepped for construction of our catamaran  We will be building our sailboat on a dirt lot, so there is a lot to get ready.  We add our solar panels and start working on the Victron equipment. We also take a field trip to purchase some epoxy to start construction of S/V Lynx! 

Build Site Prep - Part 1

Kit-E24: Build Site Prep Part 1

We are hard at work getting the Build Site prepped for construction of our catamaran  We will be building our sailboat on a dirt lot, so there is a lot to get ready.  We add our solar panels and start working on the Victron equipment. We also take a field trip to purchase some epoxy to start construction of S/V Lynx! 

Fuel Polishing System Design

Kit E23: My Costly Blunder, Respirators Build, & Catamaran Kit update

We go over a costly blunder I made, then, on better news, we look at our new options for a new tender outboard and how we built our positive pressure respirators. We also update where our kit is now, when it is arriving. 

My Big Mistake

Kit E22: My Costly Blunder, Respirators Build, & Catamaran Kit update 

We go over a costly blunder I made, then, on better news, we look at our new options for a new tender outboard and how we built our positive pressure respirators. We also update where our kit is now, when it is arriving.  

Air Flow Video

Kit-E21: Catamaran Design: Ventilation & AC 

Instead of freezing on the water this week, we decided to go over the ventilation choices we made for the design of S/V Lynx, and why we are adding heating and cooling by way of Air Conditioners for our sailing voyage around planet Earth. 

Phase One Build Plan

Kit-E20: Phase One Build Plan and Steering

With less than a month before the kit arrives, we have started working with the Schionning Design team to make the phase one plan for building our 50' Performance Catamaran. In this video, we go over that plan in detail, and also go over the steering and kick-up rudder mechanisms. 

Cyclone System and prep

Kit-E19: Cyclone System and Preparations

This week, we worked on our cyclone vacuum system and got in our Flexisander and fairing tools.  We'll go over all that stuff as we get ready for the kit to arrive in just a few weeks now.  We also got a video from Combi showing our hybrid motors being worked on for shipment and play that for you as well.

Parallel Hybrid Combo Propulsion System

Kit-E18: Lithium Battery Build: Part 1

Today we are going over the Parallel Hybrid Combination Propulsion system we are adding to S/V Lynx.  We go over all four types of propulsion systems we considered and show why we feel that a parallel hybrid combination diesel/electric is the best way for us to go on our boat. 

Lithium Battery Prototyping Part 3

Kit-E17: Lithium Battery Build: Part 3

We finish the build of our first prototype lithium marine battery and the Admiral will go over her work on procuring shipping insurance, finding a customs broker, and arranging drayage for our kit!

Lithium Battery Prototyping Part 2

Kit-E16: Lithium Battery Build: Part 2

We share some big news about our catamaran kit and we continue our build of the Prototype Lithium batteries with part 2. We will also go over our efforts to procure the epoxy we need to build the catamaran.

Lithium Battery Building P1

Kit-E15: Lithium Battery Build: Part 1

We start constructing the prototype model of our 24v, 230ah lithium battery, how to get the cells, inspect them, and how we made custom 3D printed separators. So, come join us for the start of the battery build process!

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