Video Release: Our New Plan
While we get the tunnel tent down, we had to come up with a new plan. So, that's what we did this week instead of building our catamaran. This is a short video, since we didn't work on the boat, but at least we have a plan now! We'll soon get back to working on our 50' performance/cruising catamaran for our trip around the world!
Video Release: Family to the Rescue
This week, we make some decisions on how to protect the boat and crew while we build S/V Lynx, while I supervise some of Brian and my family members who help out while my hand heals from surgery. Then, we end the week with a family get together for Thanksgiving.
Video Release: Fairing and Viewer Questions
The clock is ticking, and we need both canoes finished for the hulls so that we can start assembling this catamaran! So, though there was rain this week, we got to work early on and got to applying fairing compound and lots of sanding. But, we took time to answer a bunch of our Viewer questions as well!
Video Release: First Bulkhead Installed
We're well on our way to finishing the fairing of the second canoe, and we also worked on the sterns of both canoes, adding the first bulkhead (though the smallest, by far). So, come see all the work that our XO, Brian, and Captain Blood and his Admiral, Marianne, got accomplished this week on our DIY 50' performance/cruising Schionning Designs Solitaire 1520 catamaran.
Video Release: Performance vs Comfort Cat - The Sweet Spot
Besides showing you what we got done on the build of our 50' Schionning kit catamaran, we also took some time to go over performance vs comfort in the design choices we made while collaborating with Schionning on the design of the Solitaire 1520 and how we aimed for the Sweet Spot between the two.
New Patron only Videos (Special Crew level and above)
We have launched our video series for our Patrons, who sign up for the Special Crew (or above) on Patreon. These videos cover subjects about decisions we are currently making on changes or construction of the boat (and later, during the voyage, about choices we make then). The idea is for Patrons to chime in with advice and suggestions in the comments to help us decide.
Video Release: Why Build Our Boat?
People keep asking why we choose to build out catamaran, so we thought we would give them a better answer! We also start strip planking the starboard hull to get our Solitaire 1520, Performance Cruising Catamaran from Schionning Designs ready for our circumnavigation voyage on our DIY kit sailboat.
Video Release: Best Antifoul for our Cat
We're nearly done with fairing and sanding the port canoe! And, we get started strip planking the starboard canoe. Unfortunately, we run into some electrical problems. Finally, we make a new decision and rearrange some of our construction plans so that we can apply our choice for the best antifoul coating earlier. That brings us to a discussion on all types of antifouling for boats.
Video Release: Fairing, Sanding, and Answers
It’s time to do more sanding and fairing! Darn it. 😊 But we are also going to answer some viewer questions from over the last month, and show a couple of products that were sent to us for review that we will use to build the boat or be beneficial on the our circumnavigation voyage as Captain Blood, Admiral Marianne, and our XO, Brian, sail our DIY 50’ Solitaire 1520 Schionning Designs, catamaran.
Video Release: Phase 2 Plans & More Hull Fairing
This week we go over our plan for Phase 2 of building our Schionning Solitaire 1520, performance/cruising catamaran. And, we get more work done on fairing the port canoe as we get ready to finish up and start strip planking the starboard canoe.
Video Release: Hull Fairing and Schedule Update
We are hard at work fairing the port hull of our boat, but we take some time to go over our Phase One plan, what we accomplished, what we didn't, and what extra stuff we did instead, then we tell you if we think we are behind, ahead, or right on schedule.
Video Release: The Best Helm Position and Build Progress
What is the best helm position on a catamaran? We explore this and build a spreadsheet that will help you discover what you think is the best. Meanwhile, we are hard at work on our Performance/Cruising Catamaran, a 50 Schionning Solitaire 1520.
Video Release: Back to Boat Building
With our shade troubles behind us, we get back to work building our 50' Schionning kit catamaran, S/V Lynx. We continue epoxy work on the port hull, outboard side of our future sailboat. We also start building the forebeam of the boat. There is a lot of work to go if we are going to get her ready to circumnavigate on an epic sailing journey!
Video Release: Forebeam Frame & Port Canoe Epoxy
We are building our dream catamaran, and this week we continue epoxying the strips onto the inboard side of the port canoe. We also build the strongback and assemble the MDF frame for the forebeam of our 50' performance catamaran from Schionning Designs.
Video Release: How Much & How Long to Build our Cat?
This week we finally started to build our Kit Catamaran from Schionning Designs! However, we wanted to give everyone a chance to chime in on how long they think it will take us to build S/V Lynx, and how much it will cost in the end to build a performance sailing and cruising catamaran.
Construction of S/V Lynx officially begins
With the purchasing and arrival of the kit and the preparation of the build site completed, we finally started building the boat this week! The clock now begins for how long it will take. We are hoping for two years, with another six months of contingency built in, just in case.
Video Release: Preparing to build our 50' catamaran
Having received our kit catamaran, we want to get started on the build. So, this week we made an insane schedule to get the final preparations out of the way. Watch as we show you how we did on that list to get to building out Schionning Designs Solitaire 1520 Performance Catamaran.
Video Release: Kit Catamaran Kit Organization and postmortem
Now that our kit for S/V Lynx has arrived to build our 50' performance catamaran, we had to get all of the parts organized. We also realized that we could have done better in the unloading, so we did a postmortem look at receiving our boat parts from Schionning Designs.
Video Release: Unloading our 50' Performance Catamaran Kit
Our kit is here! Yes, our Solitaire 50' Performance Catamaran Kit has finally arrived and this week, we unload it from the shipping container onto our build site. This is our first look at our new kit, and there were some surprises! But, we have our kit now, so construction can soon begin!
Video Release: Build Site Prep - Part 2
The kit is being unloaded from the cargo ship in Long Beach and will be headed to our build site in two days! So, we are continuing to work on getting the Build Site prepped for construction of our 50' performance catamaran from Schionning Design. This week, we need to move the container slightly, which will be a big challenge!
Update on the Cargo Ship delivering our Catamaran kit.
MSC Beatrice docked in Long Beach and immediately unloaded. We got a call yesterday that our container has already cleared customs and will be delivered... tomorrow! So, next week's video will be the unloading of the our catamaran kit.
Update on the Cargo Ship delivering our Catamaran kit.
MSC Beatrice is closing in on Southern California, and will arrive at Long Beach Harbor tomorrow! Then, we'll see how long customs takes to release our container for drayage to our build site in San Dimas, about an hour away from the port.
Video Release: Build Site Prep - Part 1
We are hard at work getting the Build Site prepped for construction of our catamaran We will be building our sailboat on a dirt lot, so there is a lot to get ready. We add our solar panels and start working on the Victron equipment. We also take a field trip to purchase some epoxy to start construction of S/V Lynx!
Video Release: Kit E22: My Costly Blunder, Respirators Build, & Catamaran Kit update
I made a costly blunder and it will cost us thousands of dollars! We go over all the sordid details in this video. On better news, we go over our new options for our tender outboard and how we built our positive pressure respirators. We also update where our kit is now, when it is arriving.
Video Release: Catamaran Design: Ventilation and A/C
Instead of freezing on the water this week, we decided to go over the ventilation choices we made for the design of S/V Lynx, and why we are adding heating and cooling by way of Air Conditioners for our sailing voyage around planet Earth. But before we can circumnavigate the world, first we have to finish designing all the systems and then construct the boat.
Video Release: Parallel Hybrid Combo Propulsion System
Our Cargo Ship, APL Santiago, carrying out kit catamaran, has made it through the South China Sea and will soon be headed for Shanghi, China, where it will unload our container. It will then be loaded onto the MSC Beatrice, which departs Shanghi on 2/22/23, and will make its way across the Pacific Ocean to Long Beach, Ca., about 12 days later, so around 3/6/23.
Video Release: Phase One Build Plans, Kick-up Rudders, and Steering.
With less than a month before the kit arrives, we have started working with the Schionning Design team to make the phase one plan for building our 50' Performance Catamaran. In this video, we go over that plan in detail, and also go over the steering and kick-up rudder mechanisms.
Route Data to go with the maps for our Patron Crew
We have posted the route data that goes with our current favorite double circumnavigation float plan for planet Earth (see post below). If you are one of our Patron Crew members, you may see all the route lengths and how long we may stay at each anchorage or marina, year-by-year, If you aren't part of our Patron Crew, you may join for as little as $2.00 a month. Just click on the Join menu option at the top of any page and then choose 'Patreon'. If you are already a Patron Crew Member, the routes are now up to view!
We changed our favorite route, significantly!
We have posted a new maps of our current favorite route for our double circumnavigation of planet Earth. To see all the detailed routes, year-by-year, you would have to already be one of our Patron Crew members. If you aren't, you may join for as little as $2.00 a month. Just click on the Join menu option at the top of any page and then choose 'Patreon'. If you are already a Patron Crew Member, the routes are now up to view!
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